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United Federation LEOS-PBA - GA Georgia
DOD Military Police Security Division

United States Department of Defense Police are the uniformed civilian security police officers of the United States Department of Defense, various branches of the United States Armed Forces (such as the Department of the Navy), or specific DoD activities (Defense Logistics Agency Police). They are also referred to as DoD Police. The DoD Police are responsible for law enforcement and security services on DoD owned and leased buildings, facilities, properties and other DoD assets. It is important to note that "Department of Defense Police" is a catch-all phrase that refers to any civilian engaged in police duties for the Department of Defense and its component branches of the US Armed Forces.


Military Police


Each branch of the military of the United States maintains its own military police force, except for the U.S. Coast Guard, which is its own law enforcement agency; the coast guard uses its port security/shore patrol, Reserve Investigators, and members of the Coast Guard Investigative Service to regulate its own population.


In addition to military police of each branch of the military of the United States, private military police hired by security companies are entrusted to protect many of the military army and airforce bases from around the country.

DOD Security Division |  Security Guard Union Georgia | United Federation LEOS-PBA GA | Georgia
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